Roxsyn uses a special synthesis technology that doesn't employ any pitch tracking or guitar-to-MIDI conversion. This makes it more sensitive, more expressive, and faster than MIDI based guitar synths. Simply plug in your instrument to an iOS friendly digital audio or guitar interface, and start jamming! Here are a few friendly guidelines to help you get a good start. For more information, please consult the Roxsyn User Manual.
Use an analog-to-digital audio or guitar interface, such as iRig HD 2 or Apogee Jam. We do not support adapters that connect via the headphone jack. Avoid putting any virtual or physical effects between your instrument and Roxsyn.
If your audio interface has a gain knob, adjust it to get a moderate signal level. Avoid digital distortion. You can additionally adjust the input gain using the INPUT level knob in Roxsyn.
If Roxsyn is not already on, enable it using the ON button on the upper right corner.
Browse and select factory presets by touching the green PRESET DISPLAY on the upper left
of the screen. If necessary, adjust the synth output level using the MASTER gain knob.
You can also make and save your own presets. Refer to the Roxsyn User Manual for more in-depth info.
The Trigger Generator follows your playing dynamics ('note attack') to trigger Roxsyn envelopes, LFOs, and arp. You may sometimes need to 'tune' its response to best suit your instrument and playing characteristics.
Put the SOURCE in the AUTO position, and gradually adjust THRESHOLD and DYNAMICS knobs until the desired envelope response is obtained. For more info about the Trigger Generator, and some example trigger settings, refer to the Roxsyn User Manual.