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Tonestack - thin sound on stage


I've noticed (after countless teaks and gigs) that Tonestack (with motherload) has a great tone through headphones. However, for live situations, the sound tends to be thin, with no definition and character.
I tried on different configurations and all of them produce the same result.
I connect the iPad directly to a radial pro d2 ( Then it goes directly to the PA system and to a personal monitor (frfr) connected to the direct box pass-through.
Other apps I have such as bias fx and jamup pro produce consistent sound quality on headphones and when amplified.

Please let me know if there is something I'm missing.



  • I have a theory since jamup has mono output but Tonestack has stereo output that maybe you're only getting the left or right channel (most quarter inch cables and adapters are mono for guitars etc). Also have you messed with feedback reduction at all? It changes the sound character depending on whether you're on headphones or not (also makes output mono).
  • Also are you running from the headphone jack to the radial pro?
  • If you are playing through an ipad you can change the output from mono to stereo and vice versa. This will have a huge effect. Google "Stereo/mono ipad output" in google. i have an iphone, and it is night and day, particularly with a real guitar amp.
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