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iPhone 7 support.

So I'm thinking about upgrading from an iPhone 6s to a 7. The only thing keeping me from doing so is that there's no headphone jack. I do generally prefer iOS devices over android devices but my love of Tonestack has really been the deciding factor in my staying with Apple over my last few phone/tablet purchases. Without a headphone jack tonestack is rendered just about useless as I need the lightning port as my input (I use an apogee jam). Belkin has released a lightning splitter but I've read that it causes some loss in audio quality and I'd hazard a guess that it also causes a latency issue as well. Do you guys have any plans to address this issue, i.e. Adding Bluetooth speaker support or perhaps developing you're own hardware to solve this issue. For now I'll be keeping my iPhone 6 but sooner or later it will have lived it's life (my battery life has taken a turn for the worse since updating to iOS 20) and I'll have to upgrade.


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