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Bluetooth audio for iPhone 7? Please?

I loved this until I got the 7. Everyone knows, no headphone jack. The small interface I have has no audio out. Can Bluetooth be inplemented for the audio? Right now it's useless to me :(


  • To the best of my knowledge it can't. If the interface you're using plugs into the lightning port, they make a dingle that lets you charge your phone while using headphones. I don't know for a fact that it would work with whatever interface you have but it's worth a shot and you can get one on Amazon for $8 plus shipping.
  • We can't implement Bluetooth at this time. Lots of reasons, but a few are that Bluetooth does not work with IAA apps and the delay in time is not up to professional standards.
  • Well what do you suggest we use? I have the full current Motherload and enjoyed just chilling in my recliner playing through my home theater. I just got a new one that has Bluetooth. I wasn't aware of any delay since people are using pedal boards live. I get it's not your fault they got rid of the jack. I'm just really dissapointed. I figured YouTube works fine, no delay, lets try ToneStack. I'm just frustrated I cannot use it anymore.
  • Pedal boards are different- they are using MIDI over Bluetooth, not sending audio output over Bluetooth.
    We understand the issue. We're hoping to find the best way to make it work.
  • Please see my post.
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