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Is this forum dead?

Where is everyone? I see posts from months ago with no replies. Is everyone out?


  • edited May 2017
    Hehe. Sorry I got worried it was just me and my voices :-/

    Just a couple questions @jessie when you get a minute

    1) what's the difference between tape 1, tape 2 and standard limiting clipping?

    2) are the reverbs in the amps the spring forward reverb module or a different algorithm?

    3) suprapawn fizz setting is great. Any plans to make more broken tube/speaker bad circuit type sounds? I love junky sounding equipment. Its kind of fun to emulate it. Lots of character.

    4) I know I'm a pain but I'm still so curious about the behind the scenes of yonac software. How does virtual circuits work. Like virtual transistors and resistors or specific modules that emulate whole circuits? If that's a trade secret I understand but I'm just curious about the development process. Also are you ever interested in making an app that lets us build amps or pedals?

    Thank again. Love this app. I've been using it for all my live shows and people keep asking how I get the sound and I tell them about tonestack so hopefully some new users to come.
  • edited May 2017
    Does anyone know?
  • I know I'm a pain but I'm so curious still
  • Here are some answers!

    1.) Differences among the choices are like different flavors. Tape one is more vintage and the others are clean, digital, with no artifacts.

    2.) They are all different, so none of them are exactly the spring reverb module.

    3.) Yes! Plans to make some more like that. Glad to hear you like it!

    4.) This is a long one, but to try to keep it short and simple... it's a little bit of both (virtual transistors/resistors and specific modules that emulate). And yes, we hope to get around to an amp/pedal building app someday.

    Hope that answers your questions :)
  • edited June 2017
    Thank you so much @jessie . Exciting stuff!
  • edited September 2017
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