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iPad optimization?

Any advice on optimizing the ipad for lowest latency and CPU? SOme way to unload troublesome background stuff? I notice sometimes, using the same FX I can run at a certain latency and other times I cannot, so something must be running in the background


  • edited October 2017
    Turn quality down and do a ram flush (hold power until power off screen comes up then hold down home button by itself). That’s more of a iOS issue and not ToneStack. ToneStack is actually one of the most cpu optimized apps I’ve ever used and Jim Yonac is really big on not hogging all the resources when he makes an app so it can play well with other apps which are also going to need their own resources.

    Btw. You should get on Audiobus forums. There’s a lot of ToneStack users there as well and it’s a bit more lively and you won’t have to wait so long for replies. Post that cool chart you made
  • edited December 2017
    This response is really great!
  • Pan you using fiddlicator?
  • I do sometimes yea. Seems to be the lightest app (also it's free!) for IR cab files.
  • i get lots of artifacs when i use fiddlicator. I might have some settings wrong.
  • Hmmm. Honestly I think the cabs aren't bad they just need adjustment and sometimes I like other cabs on specific amps. For instance I like the Tommy and ginger cab together with mic slightly off center. Sounds better than the actually Tommy cab
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