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Galileo Latency Issues

Been using Galileo while running iGrand and iLectric simultaneously on an older iPad. Generally, I had no issues, but with a 3 running, I would get some crackling with too many notes activated. Upgraded to the current iPad pro, thinking that should solve that problem. It did, but now within a minute or 2, the latency starts building, even when just running Galileo by itself. I'm monitlring processor and ram usage while testing- both are minimal. iPad pro should have zero issues, as it's obscenely more processing power than needed. So what gives? It's not the worst latency I've ever heard, but enough to make a live performance frustrating.


  • It should be noted that I just upgraded to ios 11 (11.0.2, I think). Since it was just released, perhaps there's a bug that I haven't read about yet.
  • Also, hardware buffer is at lowest setting. At the 256 default, it was unbearable. 128 is much better, but still annoyingly noticeable.
  • We've been reading about some issues with the iPad PRO and iOS 11 (with several music apps - yours is the first I've heard in reference to our apps). It's possible that it's an issue with CoreAudio. A couple things you can try:
    1.) Make sure you have the latest iOS.
    2.) Reset your iPad.
    These may or may not help. Hopefully it's something Apple will fix soon.

  • Thanks for the reply. I did try both of those. Looking into CoreAudio info, but not seeing anything specifically related to that with iOS 11 - just general tings to try to overcome lagging in general (which I haven't had any problems at all with outside of Galileo. It's a bummer, as this app rivals Native Instruments software that I own, and it's great to be able to grab the iPad and controller KB and go. If it would it be helpful, I'd be willing to work with your devs to analyze if it seems that others are having similar issues.
  • Did you install 11.1 yet? Hoping that might help your issue.
  • Just saw that it was available. Will try that and update. Thanks !
  • That seemed to finally do it. 4 iOS updates in a month and a week. Unless it starts up again, I'm calling this case closed. Thanks for the assist.
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