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Can we talk about Tonestack and Cab Sims, Impulse Responses, and PA VS FX loop?

Hey everyone. I have an Iphone 7 plus and a behringer UMC 204 HD and the camera usb 3.0 connector and powered usb hub.

Sounds like shit in the PA and through a Valvestate Marshall FX loop.

I must be doing something wrong. Can we have an open discussion on what you guys are doing that works?

Oh is the Brandenburg gate better than the Noise X gate?

How are you loading impulse responses?

Anyone using Bias Amp models inside of Tonestack?

Anyone tried linking Bias Amp models with Tonestack FX and Impulse responses in AUM using Fiddlicator or Rooms?

Looking to talk with some Tonestack aficionados. Anyone playing it Live?


  • I'm using BIAS FX as an IAA in tonestack. I could share some presets if I could figure out how the share thing works, or iOS in general. I have had very bad luck with Fiddlicator in both BIAS FX and Tonestack. I have instead made the amps in BIAS Amp Desktop with my impulses, then sticking them on the tonecloud then grabbing the amp in Bias Amp ipad then sharing it with BiasFX
  • I think thats unnecessary. I'd honestly fiddle with your input on your usb hub (make sure it's not clipping or too quiet) and then play with both input and output in tonestack till you get a better sound. It took me a while to get mine sounding right but it sound fantastic now
  • nice thanks for that link. I am working on trying to come up with a serious rig using this. If I can get the presets right and have a midi controller and just leave the phone in a box so its sage...

    The thing for me that has been the issue is switching live. Does a tonestack preset save the proper bias amp selection? I cant use Bias FX since I am Iphone so I am limited to Jamup.

    Here is something I have tried in aum

    Jamup for dirt boxes > bias amp > tonestack delays studio fx etc > fiddlicator for IR

    its hard to use these together and make switching work unless im missing something.
  • IAA and Audiobuss are really only half solutions for me because of just the issue you raised. The architecture is there on iOS, but not implemented from what I see to switch presets for instance of an IAA hosted BIAS FX inside Tonestack. Good luck making it happen though. I'm trying to work on a solution right now
  • ok well can you do it with midi routing?.

    Question 1. Which apps can use midi routing?

    Tonestack can take CC and PC right?

    Bias Amp is basically just for producing the amp model itself correct? no midi there?

    Jamup can import the Bias Amp but...does it change the amp model when imported or is it really the same amp model as in Bias Amp?

    There are two versions of Jam Up and two versions of Tonestack so you can have two instances of bias amp models inside of Tonestack so that you can do dual amp routing.

    question now is that if you are doing dual amps you need dual IRs.

    you can build the bias amps in desktop and download to iphone from tonecloud but i dont have bias desktop.

    If you get two IR apps you can load two cabs too.

    maybe you can sync your presets based on PC Change codes.
  • im going to try altispace convolution reverb as an IR loader. Looks really nice
  • I'm using BIAS FX with amps imported from Bias Amp, as an IAA inside Tonestack...One thing I am seeing is that MIDI, at least CC is passing thru from Tonestack to BIAS FX. My setup is a bit weird, all the cleans are on tonestack, using the ABY splitter. Inside BIAS FX I have a dual amp path of the same amp, but one with the speaker cab removed going out one output and one with the speaker sound on going out the other output. This way for at least the distortion, the AMp FX loop gets a NO speaker cab, so it gets what it wants and the other output goes to the PA system which DOES want the speaker cab simulator. I'm happy to have no speaker sound on the clean channel. I use a CC to change the a vs b level with it set on the Y. The ABY has a few things I'd like to see different....Let me see if I can send you my preset for live and see if you can figure out a better way for me to do it
  • If you know how that itunes sharing thing tonestack does, can you explain it to me? Doing it with google drive isnt too bad, but maybe it could be easier
  • i dont know about the itunes sharing thing but i did get the preset file just fine.

    I am not exactly sure what youre trying to do here because the preset doesnt load with any of those red IAA stomps that would be your slots for BIAS FX
  • I didnt send the BIAS FX preset, it just shows the IAA slot holding it (or should)
  • are you able to load Bias FX in two separate IAA slots?
  • how are you able to send the a and b to different outputs?

    So you are example sending Signal A with no cab to a guitar cab on stage and sending signal B with cab sim to PA?
  • Pretty much. Bias FX IAA slot is inside Tonestack's B signal chain. Left path of BIAS FX (using the splitter and dual path in BIAS FX) goes to a BIAS AMP where the speaker was made in BIAS AMP as disabled, and right out goes to a copy of that same AMP in BIAS AMp, but that had the speaker enabled. BIAS FX Mixer has amp 1 panned full left and amp 2 panned hard right.
  • got it. and Bias FX has the ability to split outputs in your interface?
  • yup, or return them in stereo through IAA
  • I dont know how to share BIAS FX tonecloud links, but I stuck one on there under Aaron Carey
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