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Some MIDI not working with ToneStack

edited January 2018 in Support
I am using a Guitar Wing MIDI controller with ToneStack. TOneStack doesn't recognize some of the buttons. Any idea why?

The buttons that work with ToneStack (A) send MIDI Note messages and CC aftertouch messages.

The buttons that don’t work (B, C & D) only send note on/off messages. Is there a reason that ToneStack would ignore B, C & D?

I have shown the MIDI that A and B send in the image below. Does this tell you why the B buttons don’t work in ToneStack and how I might reprogrammed them?



  • ToneStack doesn't use any MIDI on/off messages, only CC's. The app doesn't have note on/off, because you're not selecting notes in ToneStack - you're doing that on your guitar. Does this make sense?
  • Thanks Jesse. Yes it makes sense.

    Unfortunately a lot of MIDI devices only sent notes, which could be used as an on/off trigger as well. It would be helpful if ToneStack gave the option to receive note on/offs and map to devices.
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